

How to do a free Plagium search?

Aprenda como você deve fazer para fazer uma busca gratuita utilizando nossa plataforma, são 3 passos simples e rápidos que vão te ajudar na busca por similaridade ou busca por plágio para ter um trabalho mais autêntico.

How to use the Plagium add-on for Google Docs?

Learn today how to install the Plagium add-on in your Google Docs! Search directly for your texts in the drive.

How to register on the Plagium platform?

Learn today how to register on our platform.

Learn how to do an advanced search on the Plagium platform.

Learn how to do an advanced search on the Plagium platform.

How to search through a file in Plagium?

Learn today how to search through a file in Plagium.

How to compare your documents in Plagium?

Learn today how to compare your documents in Plagium.

How to interpret a report in Plagium?

Learn today how to interpret a report in Plagium.

How to share a report with your teacher?

Learn how to share a report with your teacher or someone else today.