Introduction to Plagium and how to use the plagiarism check tool
By Plagiarism, Plagium
Feb 20

Introduction to Plagium and how to use the plagiarism check tool

Se você é estudante, professor ou escritor, é muito importante que você saiba sobre o plágio. O plágio ocorre quando alguém utiliza trechos de um texto ou ideias que não são suas, sem dar os devidos créditos ao autor original. Isso pode ser considerado como uma fraude acadêmica e pode acarretar em sérias consequências.

In order to avoid plagiarism, many people use plagiarism check tools. These tools help detect if the text contains excerpts copied from other sources. One of the most popular plagiarism checking tools is Plagium. In this article, we'll introduce you to Plagium and teach you how to use it effectively.

What is Plagium?

Plagium is an online tool that allows checking for plagiarism in texts. It is capable of checking texts in many languages ​​and formats, including Word documents, PDF files and even web pages. Plagium has a large database containing millions of web pages and academic texts for comparison. This makes the tool extremely accurate in detecting plagiarism.

How to use Plagium?

Using Plagium is very easy. Follow these simple steps:

The verification results show the plagiarism index found in the text, as well as the source of possible copies. Plagium also provides a detailed report on the text, indicating suspicious passages and possible sources.

Precautions when using Plagium

Although Plagium is a very useful tool, it is important to be careful when using it. Here are some important tips:

Is Plagium free?

Yes, Plagium offers a free plagiarism check option. However, there are paid options with more features.

Is Plagium safe?

Yes, Plagium is a safe and reliable tool. User data is protected and the tool complies with privacy laws.

Is Plagium effective?

Yes, Plagium is an efficient plagiarism detection tool. However, it is important to use it carefully and carefully analyze the scan results.


Plagiarism is a very serious issue, especially in academia and online content production. Using plagiarism checking tools like Plagium can help prevent academic fraud and protect the reputations of writers and students.

It is important to remember, however, that the tool is not infallible and should be used with care and analysis. Use Plagium responsibly to improve your work and ensure academic integrity.

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