How to detect plagiarism in online content
By Plagiarism, Plagium
Mar 05

How to detect plagiarism in online content

O plágio é um problema sério em trabalhos acadêmicos, que pode prejudicar a integridade e a originalidade do processo de aprendizagem. Porém, com o advento da internet, a facilidade de acesso a informações tornou o plágio ainda mais comum. Detectar o plágio em conteúdo online é uma tarefa importante para garantir a integridade acadêmica e a originalidade nos trabalhos universitários.

This article aims to help you identify plagiarism in online content and help you avoid this practice in your own work. Furthermore, we will introduce the Plagium platform as an effective tool to detect plagiarism. So read on to learn more about how to detect plagiarism in online content and how Plagium can help you maintain academic integrity in your university work.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is defined as presenting academic work as if it were original, when in fact it is a copy or imitation of another existing work. This includes copying entire sections of text or ideas without citing the source. Plagiarism can take many forms, such as:

  • Copy of entire texts by an author without citing the source;
  • Copying excerpts from texts without citing the source;
  • Copying ideas without citing the source;
  • Purchase of ready-made academic works on the internet or from other students.

The consequences of plagiarism are serious and can lead to failure in the work or even in the discipline, in addition to damaging the student's reputation. Therefore, it is essential to avoid plagiarism and detect it in academic works. Let us now understand why it is important to detect plagiarism.

Understand the importance of avoiding plagiarism and how to detect it in academic papers. Stay tuned for the next section of this article.

Why is it important to detect plagiarism?

Detecting plagiarism is important because it ensures the academic integrity and originality of the learning process. Plagiarism can affect the quality of teaching and damage the student's reputation, in addition to not contributing to the development of research and writing skills. In addition, the practice of plagiarism is considered an ethical violation and can lead to serious consequences, such as failure at work or even discipline.

Detecting plagiarism in online content is particularly important, as the ease of access to information on the internet has made plagiarism even more common. It is possible to copy and paste entire sections of texts without citing the original author. Therefore, it is essential to use plagiarism detection tools to ensure that the work is original and contributes to the development of knowledge.

Stay tuned for the next section of this article, where we will present tips to avoid plagiarism in academic papers.

How to avoid plagiarism in academic papers?

The best way to avoid plagiarism in academic papers is by producing original content. For this, it is necessary to carry out research in an ethical and responsible manner, citing all the sources used. In addition, it is important to use tools that help detect plagiarism.

Here are some tips to avoid plagiarism in academic papers:

  • Do a broad and in-depth research on the topic;
  • Note the sources used for citations and references;
  • Make an outline or summary of the work before you start writing;
  • Quote all sources used, including text excerpts and ideas;
  • Make reference to citations in the correct format, according to ABNT standards;
  • Check the work using an online plagiarism detector.

By following these tips, it is possible to ensure that the work is original and respects the ethical principles of academic production.

Use to verify the originality of your work and avoid plagiarism. Learn more about this tool in the next section.

Using Plagium to detect plagiarism in academic papers

Plagium is an online tool that helps detect plagiarism in academic papers. With Plagium, you can do a similarity search on your text, document or work and check if there are excerpts copied from other sources.

To use Plagium, just follow these steps:

  1. Go to;
  2. Select the type of search you want to do;
  3. Enter the text, document or work you want to check;
    Click on the button “Check Plagiarism”;
  4. Wait for the search result;
  5. Check the passages identified as plagiarism and make the necessary corrections.

In addition, Plagium offers a detailed report on the search, which includes a list of sources from which copied excerpts were found, so that you can correctly reference them.

Using Plagium is a simple and effective way to detect and prevent plagiarism in your academic work. Try it right now and guarantee the originality of your work!

Go to right now and run a similarity search on your work to check for plagiarism.


Detecting plagiarism in online content is essential to guarantee the originality of academic works and avoid problems with the educational institution.

In this article, we saw some ways to detect plagiarism in texts and documents, such as using online tools, and how Plagium can be an effective option for doing similarity research in academic papers.

It is important to remember that the practice of plagiarism is considered a crime and can lead to serious consequences for the student, such as failure in subjects, expulsion from the educational institution and even lawsuits.

Therefore, always check the originality of your work before submitting it and make the necessary corrections to avoid any kind of problem.

Use the tips presented in this article to detect plagiarism in your academic works and don't forget to use Plagium to do the similarity search in your texts, documents and works.

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