Databases: where to find reliable documents to use in the TCC
By Museum
Nov 07

Databases: where to find reliable documents to use in the TCC

Databases are platforms - reliable sites that will provide documents with high scientific content to be used in your work.

Simply put, it's as if you searched for your topic on google, but google would take you to several random sites without scientific proof. It's as if the databases filter and only show you articles, books, manuals... scientific documents for you to use.

Below, I will show you a list of options for you to look for references:

1. Google Scholar

Certainly the best known of all, it is a version of google for the academic world and the world of research, including all areas.

Official Website:

2. Scielo

Brazil Scientific Electronic Library Online - is a database that includes all areas.

Official Website:

3. Virtual Health Library

The VHL is a library that brings together several databases, so when searching in it, it is as if you were searching in several at the same time (the databases that appear are indicated in the left corner of the screen), it is turned for research in the health area, but also ends up including studies focused on other areas.

Official Website:

4. CAPES Journals Portal

Database linked to the Ministry of Education and includes all areas.

5. Eric - Institute of Education Sciences

Base produced by the US Department of Education and its focus is on education.

Official Website:

6. ArXiv

Base focused on research in the areas of physics, mathematics, computing, finance and engineering.

Official Website:

7. LexML

Database focused on research and documents for the area of ​​law.

Official Website:


PubMed Central and the "Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online" are databases focused on the health area, but also have studies from other areas.

There are several bases, these are just a few examples.

It is important to consider that in addition to the bases, you can search for works in the universities' repositories, that is, the theses, monographs and dissertations of the students that are available.


Geovanna Caldas

I am a Nurse, specialized in Family Health and with experience in teaching. I currently live in the city of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, but I come from the interior of Ceara. I undertake and own @pesquiseiconsultoria, I help students in the world of scientific research, making it easier to write tcc, monographs, theses... and to be able to publish their work.

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