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How to detect self-plagiarism in academic texts and works

Apr 03, 2023 Plagiarism, Plagium

Descubra o que é autoplágio e por que é importante detectá-lo em seus trabalhos acadêmicos. Neste artigo, mostraremos como detectar e evitar o autoplágio, incluindo o uso do Plagium, um eficiente verificador de plágio. Não arrisque sua reputação acadêmica, leia agora e proteja-se contra o autoplágio!

Plagiarism x Paraphrase: What's the difference and how to avoid confusion

Mar 13, 2023 Plagiarism, Plagium

Discover the differences between plagiarism and paraphrasing and learn how to avoid confusion when writing university papers. Learn how using Plagium as a plagiarism detector can help you verify the originality of your work and avoid problems with the educational institution. Read it now!

How to detect plagiarism in online content

Mar 05, 2023 Plagiarism, Plagium

Learn how to detect plagiarism in academic papers using the Plagium plagiarism detector. Find out what plagiarism is, why it's important to detect it, and tips to avoid it. Learn how Plagium can help you maintain academic integrity and originality in your university work.

The consequences of plagiarism and how it can affect a person's reputation and career

Feb 27, 2023 Plagiarism, Plagium

Do you know what the consequences of plagiarism are? In this post, I explain how plagiarism can negatively affect a person's reputation and career. Furthermore, I introduce you to Plagium, an online plagiarism detector that can help you avoid problems with plagiarism in your works. Read it now and protect your reputation!

Introduction to Plagium and how to use the plagiarism check tool

Feb 20, 2023 Plagiarism, Plagium

Learn how to use Plagium, a free plagiarism checking tool, to protect academic integrity and prevent fraud. Find out how this powerful tool can help you improve your work.



Plagium is a system that helps teachers, students and institutions, to maintain the authenticity of their texts and works.

In this way, avoiding both criminal and civil liability for them, resulting from intentional plagiarism or accidental plagiarism.


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